Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Singularity

Its simple really.
I don't want to be human.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Joshua Pitt Tannery

This was somewhere I hadn't been previously.
Previously, i've explored across the road from this place, but never actually got around to checking out this side of things as a result of distractions in the other warehouse.

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Showing a couple of friends around i took them across the road, afterwards, we went and checked out the Tannery (for those that don't know, its where leather is made).
It turned out to be quite a large facility, and quite an interesting place to explore. For those planning on visiting. It now features security patrols and an attempt has been made to lock it down further.
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This place also has some of the best graffiti i've seen in a while. I'm not usually to keen on graff in topsides as it usually results in them being locked down. All the same though. The detail in some of this stuff blew my mind.
Click through to read and see more!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Doctor Steel

The Kind Doctor.
Doctor Steel.

I happened upon him, as so many people did, because of 'Lulz Sec' linking to him. And what a great thing that turned out to be!

Amazing Urbex Light Painting Stop Animation

See below!

Urbex Updates

I've found a large number of new and previously unexplored (by myself) locations recently.
Confirmation of several sites through google earth and through blogs.

So! Busy weeks ahead! If i keep up with the rate i'm taking photos at (over the weekend, i took a staggering 1500 photos (was just snapping away) ) i'll never have time to sort through them all! Let alone upload them!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Social Engineering for Replacement cards

I'm a fan of Social Engineering (SE).

A while ago I had my Credit Card 'eaten' by a ATM. As a result. I was down a piece of ID.
When I went to the bank to complain I told them what had happened they told me it'd cost $20 to replace the card.
Me:"Can't you just get it back from the ATM and post it to me or something?"
Cashier: "Nope. It Needs to be re-issued."
Me: "LAME! Don't worry about it then. I'll use my debit card instead."

A month or so later. I went back to the bank and changed the story.
Cashier: "Hi There, how can I help you?"
Me: "Well, I had my wallet stolen a while ago and it had my credit card in it, luckily I've got my debit card so it wasn't to much of an issue, but unfortunately I need a new one now for online stuff"
Cashier: "Oh noes. That's terrible."
Me: "I was wondering if I could get a replacement one?"
Cashier: "Sure, would you like to pick it up in 3-4 days?"
Me: "Sure, thanks!"

4 Days later. New credit card arrives at bank. I pick it up. I've saved $20.

So. If ever you've lost or had your card eaten by a machine. Just tell 'em it was stolen in your wallet.
Sympathy ensues.
Free cards prevail!


Bank Of Melbourne Terminals

That are used for Ticket/Queue dispensing:
Are running windows XP.
Automatically log in when booted
Prompt for re-boot when you plug in new hardware.
Down the entire system 'queue' system when you reboot them ;)

If you know anything more about them, let me know.

Fuck SalesForce - Fuck Vevo - Fuck the Passport office

A little bit o' rage.

Not suitable for younger types.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Seen the Animatrix?
You really should.
You should watch it again.
And again.
And again.
Such... brilliance.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


What do the following have in common?

Deus Ex - Human Revolution

"The Outlands Trilogy" - By Jackie French

"Machine man" - By Max Barry

Geelong Cement Factory + Train Pt3


First off. The final piece of the train story! This model/particular carrige is known as BRF 91 / OWA 91 Community Service Car.

It took some finding, but i found some original photographs of the what the carrige in the below shots used to look like..


In 1952 it entered service.
In 2006 it was left to rot in a hanger where it still sits by "Rail Experience"
Thanks to wongm for the research...

Amusingly, although this train is stored in the "Geelong Cement" shed, it apparently has nothing to do with it. It just happens to be parked there and forgotten like...

The actual cement factory!

Warning - Lots of photos(thumbnails) below the break!

Geelong Cement Train - Pt2

We went again.
This time, i introduced a few friends to the place and took a few new photos.
Last visit was done on my old Ixus 980IS, this visit. Canon 7D. ^_^

More pictures below the break
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Geelong Cement Train

One of the stranger places we've come across. A trainyard with a single carrige. 
A memory from a time long forgotten.
Since then, its become the hangout for addicts and hooligans. People have given the old carrige new life, as something completely different, a gallery of human behaviour perhaps. Who knows.
But it is an eerie place to visit. That's for certain.

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More to come on this one. I'll dig up some of the research about the place and put it here as well. It actually (as far as i remember, had its own private line to a place I explored when i first started out, the geelong cement factory in geelong (i'll upload those photos next)).
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For now, just look through the photos. See what there is to see. We'll be visiting again soon hopefully. This time with a newer camera and a wider lens.

Wonky Town

As Far as I know, my girlfriend and I are the only people that made it into this site.

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At the time, it had almost been completed. I believe that now, it is the Channel 9 offices or something.
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Sadly, you can no longer access this location, nor the roof (which we stole a ladder from one area and used it to climb up onto the building through the 'smokers deck')
The views from the roof were great. Southern Cross Station (which we had climbed along before) looked totally different and almost like a giant artificial beach.

Below are the photos from one of my most enjoyable construction site explorations to date.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Collingwood Silos - 2011 Revisit

We rocked up to collingwood, having visited these silos before many months earlier.

Sadly, the first set we visited was in the process of being turned into apartments... As is the nature of the city...
From the inside, we realised that not only had the main structure been torn down from around the still standing silos, but there was no floors anywhere. Instead, there were just hollow silos with windows cut into them.
It was a very strange experience. And I must admit, having visited previously, I was sorry to see such an interesting place with many memories disappear.

Melbourne Surveillance Camera Project

Okay, since recently there has been an increase in the number of cameras around the city, I've decided that, with any spare time I have, I'm going to try and map out the camera's in the city of Melbourne and publish them on-line  just like the NYC Surveillance Camera project (see: http://www.mediaeater.com/cameras/ )

It would be nice to see if its at all possible to move from one side of the city to the other, without being filmed.
Unfortunately, Melbourne is a city, and while it isn't huge, it's not tiny either. So. I'll probably need help to do this.

New Parking Technology


Now the parking goons have some more advanced tech up their sleeves, fine-giving-efficiency is up 100%.
General niceness is now down 99%. 1% margin of error.

I was actually under the assumption that ALL parking spaces in the city were already decked out with these. So the 'revelation' that they are only now being rolled out is a bit surprising (you thought the parking goons were efficient before? Just wait!).

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Quotes. So many quotes

A collection of quotes i've come across from the following site:

Its currently dead (at time of writing Server 500 Error).

Below are my favourites.

iPod Earphone

This also applies to iPhone, iPad, iTouch and any other iProduct that comes with those fucking awful tiny white earphones.


My god. They are awful. Not only is the sound quality TERRIBLE, they attenuate noise like there's no tomorrow.
Every time you can hear some douche bag on the train blasting crappy music, there's almost a 100% chance its got white iBuds involved.

People. Do yourself a favour. Buy a $20 pair of headphones, preferably the in-ear type and blast away.
Your music sounds better. It sounds louder AND It doesn't bother other people.


You spent $500 bucks on an iProduct. Don't be retarded.

Its worth it.