Friday, October 21, 2011

On the Occupy Wall St Protests

I swung by these the other day in the city and took some pictures are the protesters were setting up camp.
What i couldn't discern, in my hour or so of being there, was what the people there wanted.
I know this has been questioned by many people and discussed at length, I know what they are on about -vaguely anyway- but it struck me as odd that after spending a fair amount of time watching them, no clear message was delivered.

What they really need to do is to:
A) Organise some clear goals
B) Get rid of all the other nut-jobs and political activists trying to hijack this cause to further their own.

In regards to point B) while I was there I saw fundamentalist Christians spreading their gospel, I saw socialists, pro-refugee/anti-detention-protesters, pro-gay-marriage protesters and everything else I think I've ever seen 'protesting' in Melbourne all in the one spot. Clearly trying to swell the numbers by having multiple causes.

If I remember, I'll upload some pictures pre-police-takedown when I return to Melbourne.

Bertrand Russell the famous Welsh philosopher and Aldous Huxley spoke of the day when people would love their servitude and ways of producing dictatorship without tears.
Russell stated "Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these qualities, probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and biochemistry will be brought into play.... All the boys and girls will learn from an early age to be what is called 'co-operative,' i.e., to do exactly what everybody is doing. Initiative will be discouraged in these children, and insubordination, without being punished, will be scientifically trained out of them."

1 comment:

  1. People are already robots, but that's a scary future.
