Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Turkey Part 2 - Food


Aside from me not being dead. I've been busy busy taking lots of photos and seeing lots of things. I've actually got a stack more photos to upload of Turkey, so there'll probably be one or two more posts about it.

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I'll start with the food (this is going to be a reoccuring theme since food in Turkey is tasty!
Below, you see a picture of delicious caek followed by a standard Turkish breakfast. Sigara börek is fetta cheese and some herbs wrapped in pastry and cooked to perfection. SOO Tasty.... ^_^

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Letter To a Freedom Seeker

Death of Fear Manifesto / Lovers Army Remix 

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I'm still alive!
(not for lack of trying!)

Sorry for not updating sooner and if i stressed anyone out.

The earthquakes were in the far east of Turkey, I was in Ankara when they hit.

I don't have the bandwidth to upload photos here at the moment and I don't have the time to seek it out as i'm madly running around from one end of Belgium to another (read: not in Turkey any more so all safe).

Hopefully France will be better prepared for my internet needs.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Turkey Part 1 - Family

The past few days in Turkey have been fairly low key. Mostly visiting family and friends which has been good.
But I'll share with you a few personal tid-bits and a couple of interesting sites if you're keen to read on...
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On the Occupy Wall St Protests


I swung by these the other day in the city and took some pictures are the protesters were setting up camp.
What i couldn't discern, in my hour or so of being there, was what the people there wanted.
I know this has been questioned by many people and discussed at length, I know what they are on about -vaguely anyway- but it struck me as odd that after spending a fair amount of time watching them, no clear message was delivered.

What they really need to do is to:
A) Organise some clear goals
B) Get rid of all the other nut-jobs and political activists trying to hijack this cause to further their own.

In regards to point B) while I was there I saw fundamentalist Christians spreading their gospel, I saw socialists, pro-refugee/anti-detention-protesters, pro-gay-marriage protesters and everything else I think I've ever seen 'protesting' in Melbourne all in the one spot. Clearly trying to swell the numbers by having multiple causes.

If I remember, I'll upload some pictures pre-police-takedown when I return to Melbourne.